Category Archives: charity

Bicycle – Attendance Award Program

The three lodges in Henderson County, Jerusalem 9, Henderson 958, & Corydon 799, teamed up to purchase a boy’s & girl’s bicycle to present to every elementary, middle school, and high school in the Henderson County Board of Education district.  Eleven schools with a total of 22 bicycles.  Bikes Sign

Brother Andrew “Andy” Carr, current master of Henderson 958, spearheaded the program, promoted it to the three lodges and worked tirelessly to obtain the best deal possible for the bicycles.  He also worked with brother Ty Rideout, owner of Abba Promotions, to have signs made up to place on the bicycles.

BikesSeveral brothers committed to donating money toward this program and the three lodges will help cover the additional cost.

The goal was to have all the bicycles in each school so that when classes start on August 10th the students will see them every day to give them incentive to stay in school.  This goal was achieved.  Those students that have perfect attendance through April will have their name placed in a drawing with a boy & girl winner at each school.  Along with the bicycles, we will also be providing them with a helmet or a voucher to get a helmet to help promote safety.

This bicycle program was suggested by our current Deputy Grand Master, Cloyd Bumgardner.  It is our understanding that we are the first group to do this on a mass scale.

Masonic Scholarship Awarded

Scholarship recipient, Katelyn Patterson, was presented a check for the first installment of her scholarship that was awarded by the members of Jerusalem 9 thanks to the kind donations from members that left money in their will for the lodge to award scholarships from the interest earned.

You can make a difference in the lives of others as well. Please consider a monetary donation for the scholarship or building fund of your lodge.


Pictured left to right: James Roll P.M., Adam Dare J.D., Katelyn Patterson, Matthew McConnell S.W., and Jim Molt P.M.

Pork Chop Dinner 9/21/13

Brothers, we are having a pork chop dinner cook on Saturday, 9/21/13.  If you are available and want to help please join us anytime on saturday morning early.  The dinners will include 2 pork chops, 2 sides, pickle, onion and bread.  All for $7.50!  We also need help selling tickets for these dinners.  If you would like to sell some tickets before Wednesday, or already have some sold, but don’t have the tickets, please contact Rob Toerne or Master Joe Hall.  Part of the proceeds will go to help repair our parking lot.

Charity Run!

charity run 1Saturday, June 8th we had a successful and very fun full day at our charity run.  The weather could not have been any better for all of the riders.  Well over 60 riders showed up to cruise the day away in the name of charity, and, with a police escort all the way to the bridge, how can it get any better.  After the ride, many people hung around and enjoyed the delicious barbecue from the various vendors and listened to the wonderful music.


charity run 2